
Do you have 'The Impossible Dream?'

A few years ago my friend and I were having a drink outside her Real Estate office in New Zealand when a man and his wife came up to look at the listings in the window. After perusing for a few minutes he turned and asked if my friend had any other listings coming up because none of these matched what he was looking for. My friend asked:

“What exactly are you looking for?” and his reply was

“The Impossible Dream”

Actually the property that he wanted wasn’t impossible to find, but he had been looking for a long time and so to him, it seemed Impossible.

Unfortunately there were no Buyers Agents around at that time and most Sales Agents only deal with the properties they have to sell, so there was no help for him. But if he came to me today, I wouldn’t call his dream property ‘Impossible’. I would throw all my energy into finding it for him, and that’s the key difference in what we can do for you.

When someone comes to me with The Impossible Dream, I can’t wait to get started, this is my favorite type of client! Now you may be thinking that these dreams are expensive and that’s why I love them, but not necessarily. I had the pleasure of working with a young couple from NSW last year, their dream property was acreage and their budget wasn’t big, but they were happy to do renovations as long as they weren’t too extensive. 

We actually found them several to choose from and they were all off market, all within their budget and all ticked the boxes.

The Property Detectives  specialize in finding Dreams for our clients, no matter what your dream is, if you’ve been having trouble finding it and it has started to seem Impossible, come and talk to us;

we’d love to find it for you.